CL Web Developers


CL Web Developers

B - 3238 Eldon Pl
Victoria, BC V8Z 3R4 | map | directions
James Gatsi James Gatsi
(250) 634-0441
Connect With Us

We are a group of skilled web developers with wide-ranging expertise in web development. Together we work collaboratively using our diverse talents to build dynamic websites, increase lead generation, and improve online experiences."

Our team brings a diverse skill set to our clients. We have expertise with servers, databases, security, programming, business consulting, design, and much more!

We’ve designed our offerings to meet the unique needs of our clients, not to mimic other technology companies, and we continue to innovate for our clients every day.

We take care of your website, end-to-end. We strive to consistently deliver high-quality and performant services to all our clients.

Member Since: 2019
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 (Date: 3/14/2025)