Brown's The Florist


Brown's The Florist

757 Fort St
Victoria, BC V8W 1G9 | map | directions
Natasha Crawford Natasha Crawford
(250) 388-5545 | fax: (250) 388-3511
Connect With Us

Today, under the energetic leadership of Natasha Crawford, Brown’s The Florist offers professional florist services from three locations in Greater Victoria.Their values remain the same as they were nearly 125 years ago under Mary Ann Brown: “more than simply meeting the customer’s needs.” More seems to be the goal of the women of Brown’s; more community involvement, more focus on customers, more dedication to providing local products.

Voted Victoria’s Favourite Florist and Vancouver Island Wedding Florist we have been locally owned for over 100 years and specialize in our large selection of locally grown, quality flowers, plants and gift baskets. 

Our Award-Winning Design Team is famous for our artistic talents as well as our great customer service. We have three beautiful flower shops in Downtown Victoria, Downtown Sidney, and The Westshore of Victoria BC. 

We are open and deliver 7 days a week in the Greater Victoria Area as well as arrange to have flowers delivered around the world.  Pop in and say hello or give us a call, we would love to hear from you. We can provide no contact delivery upon request

Member Since: 1981
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