Woodsmere Holdings Corp.


Woodsmere Holdings Corp.

779 Blackberry Rd
Victoria, BC V8X 5J3 | map | directions
Daniel Jadresko Daniel Jadresko
(250) 477-1207 | fax: (250) 472-1297
Registered in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and poised for expansion into Saskatchewan in the near future, Woodsmere’s main focus is residential apartment and townhome style housing projects. 
 Woodsmere owns and manages good quality buildings, which are esthetically pleasing, well maintained and safe.
Our buildings are equipped with elevators for better access for all age groups: fire sprinklers for safety; extra insulation for less sound transmission between units, gas fired hot water heat and gas fired domestic hot water.
Woodsmere maintains a high level of maintenance to keep its properties esthetically pleasing. The goal of Woodsmere is to provide quality housing in good neighbourhoods.
Woodsmere’s tenants include people from all walks of life including: Chemical engineers, X-ray technicians, Mine workers, Butchers, Pen checkers & Rodeo pros, utility company employees, Realtors, Bar managers, Military personal, Hotel desk clerks, Boy scout leaders, Engineers, University students, Gas & oil field workers, University professors, Business owners, Radio broadcasters, Welders, Painters, Actors, Accountants and retired seniors.
Woodsmere plans to maintain and operate these properties for the long-term investments and manages them to the highest standards.
Member Since: 2008
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