Interchange Recycling


Interchange Recycling

300 - 536 Broughton St
Victoria, BC V8W 1C6 | map | directions
David Lawes David Lawes
(778) 977-1280
Connect With Us

Interchange Recycling (formerly the BC Used Oil Management Association) is a not-for-profit group dedicated to the collection and recycling of lubricating oil, oil filters, oil containers, antifreeze and antifreeze containers in British Columbia.

We’re a collaboration of manufacturers and first sellers of all the previously mentioned products. Our goal is to provide British Columbians with an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to recycle these materials. Each year, approximately 50 million litres of oil and 3 million liters of antifreeze are collected and responsibly managed through our program.

At Interchange Recycling, we believe the only acceptable results of our work are better environmental and economic outcomes for everyone.

Member Since: 2021
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