Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable


Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable

PO BOX 46002 RPO Quadra Village
Victoria, BC V8T 5G7 | map | directions
Connect With Us

1. CRFAIR acts as a regional backbone organization and offers a range of services to support community organizations, government, and industry. We are proud of the growing Good Food Network in this region.
2. CRFAIR undertakes and incubates various initiatives. Currently, we are involved in projects surrounding the local food economy, food and farm sector capacity building, farmland and foodland advocacy, healthy school food, food literacy, and Indigenous food sovereignty.
3. CRFAIR hosts events that connect and mobilize. This includes numerous roundtables, workshops, and our annual Good Food Gathering

Member Since: 2024
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 (Date: 3/1/2025)