Whisk Victoria


Whisk Victoria

6 - 1701 Douglas St
Victoria, BC V8W 0C1 | map | directions
Elaun Cable Elaun Cable
(778) 433-9184 | (780) 937-2695
Connect With Us

If our colourful displays of high quality kitchen gadgets don’t pull you into our shop at the Hudson Market in Victoria then the level of variety will. Whisk has a diverse collection of kitchen accessories that reflect any style of kitchen. Your friendly neighbourhood kitchen and bakeware source sells all the products you’ll need to prepare for your next feast or family dinner. Pick up your next piece at Whisk to accent your kitchen.

We aim to preserve small business values by providing our customers with high-quality and locally sourced products from family owned shops. We carry brands like Jody’s Naturals and Smilo Design alongside well-known products like Fiesta® and Le Creuset®. We also have a fun selection of gifts and knick-knacks from local companies.

The possibilities are endless at Whisk, where we have everything you need to create a unique kitchen space with a personal touch. Choose yellow plates with pink cups and small glass salt-and-pepper shakers, or maybe matching polka-dot plates, a black tea pot and kitten-faced dish towels. Our collection will help add a little spice to your kitchen. Check out our Facebook page to see how colourful we really are. 

Member Since: 2020
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 (Date: 3/13/2025)