Victoria Native Friendship Centre


Victoria Native Friendship Centre

231 Regina Avenue
Victoria, BC V8Z 1J6 | map | directions
Tanya Clarmont Tanya Clarmont
(250) 896-4931 | fax: (250) 384-1586
Connect With Us

For more than 52 years, the VNFC has been mandated to encourage and promote the well-being of urban Indigenous people by strengthening individuals, families, and community. A dedicated staff of 125 people provide 55 programs and services to the 17,000 off-reserve Indigenous people in  community, as well as supporting 4,500 on-reserve citizens in the 10 local Nations.

By meeting people where they are at in their lives, the VNFC offers unique wrap-around programming that includes full daycare, early childhood development programs, family violence prevention, law and health services, mental health and addictions supports, education and employment programs, youth services, food security programs, housing supports and services, Elders programs, a full community kitchen, cultural and arts events. The Centre is a vital resource for urban Indigenous people, providing a sense of wellness and belonging.

Member Since: 2019
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